3-Day The Inspired Still Life, The Inspired Painting with Scott Conary (March 2020)

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DATES - Friday, March 6 - Sunday, March 8, 2020


PRICE - $495


Why we make something, how we see, and how both can guide our eyes and hands can be fundamental to making stronger and more personal work. Using the still life, we will explore the process—from inspiration, to lighting and arranging a subject, to how we perceive and handle value and color, to the language of mark making and composition. We will draw, paint, discuss, and critique. Walking the line between technique and intuition, the aim, always, is to equip ourselves to make work that best shares that inspiration and our point of view.

This workshop will focus specifically on oil painting but all traditional paint mediums are welcome.


3-Day Secrets to Painting Children with Tina Garrett (February 2020)