3-Day Portrait in Charcoal with Robert Kelley (July 2019)

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DATES - Friday, July 19 - Sunday, July 21, 2019


PRICE - $495


Robert will begin the day with demo.  He will briefly discuss how he begins a piece, but this workshop is devoted more to taking an ordinary portrait to EXTRAORDINARY.  Robert will show how he takes an old piece and reworks it into a new and more in-depth portrait.  Students will spend most of the day working on their own assignments, while Robert walks the room to meet and guide each individual wherever he/she is in the process.  Robert will provide one-on-one throughout the entire day, with each individual being his main focus.

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2-Day Paint a Portrait from Life, in Oils with Amy Werntz (July 2019)


3-Day Colored Pencil Demystified with Tanja Gant (September 2019)